
MsgXpress™ offers mobile subscribers a convenient way to send personalized messages after missed calls. MsgXpress uses predictive analytics to dynamically present a set of message options to each user, giving them a quick and easy way to communicate when they are not able to have a voice conversation.  When subscribers are unavailable to answer an incoming call, MsgXpress allows users to set a reminder for a call back and will connect the call with one-click at the right time.

This Customer Engagement service transforms missed calls into messaging and call completion revenue for mobile operators. The digital service provides mobile operators with an intelligent, automated, higher value alternative to OTT messaging.

Icon_SubscriberValueSubscriber Value

  • Easy to use (1-click to send a personalized message).
  • Conveniently appears (no need to search for menus).
  • Message options are dynamically presented based on predictive analytics.
  • For outgoing missed calls, informs the receiving party why a call was attempted.
  • For incoming missed calls, provides automated call back reminders and one-click call completion at a later time.

Icon_OperatorValueOperator Value

  • VAS revenue is generated with each transaction.
  • Voice and messaging revenue is increase with reply messages and call completions.

Icon_WhoPaysWho pays to use the service

  • Subscribers pay per transaction to send a message.

Icon_MarketEnvironmentMarket Environment and Trend

  • Voicemail usage rates are decreasing every year due to messaging services.
  • Network-based “Call Back” services have not been effective in generating large scale call-back rates.
  • OTT messaging players are eroding MNO voice and data communications. MsgXpress increases the value of MNO-based communications as a reliable and convenient way to connect with friends.